My favourite


Charities that have stolen my heart

So I’m a great believer in the power of the not for profit sector or perhaps better referred to as the for impact sector so check out my three organisations that are close to my heart.

Zest4Kidz is an Irish-based charity with a passion for helping children in desperate circumstances. They exist to fight injustice. Love as a family and empower children. The charity do this because they want children to live in a world where every child knows they are special and they are loved. To achieve this mission Zest4Kidz operated projects helping children in three main areas, Child Soldiers in Africa, Children in slums and on the streets in India, Children in prisons and in orphanages in Eastern Europe. The projects fall into three main categories: educational, counselling & medical. They find children who have had difficult lives and show them someone cares and that they are not alone.
Registered Charity No: CHY 17374


Cycle Against Suicide is an awareness charity that makes a valuable contribution to the public education of mental health by changing the narrative surrounding suicide.  When an individual is vulnerable enough to consider taking their own life, silence is read as indifference. With hundreds of people dying by suicide in Ireland each year and research indicating that thousands more contemplate it, we all have a role to play to collectively address the challenges that suicide presents.  In a bid to save more lives, Cycle Against Suicide through its programmes, sets out to change culture and create a society that openly talks about suicide to allow people to speak up and seek help.
Registered Charity No: CHY 20687

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To create and deliver innovative approaches that educate, inform and inspire people to cultivate good mental health and reduce stigma leading to less death by suicide The organisation is premised on the belief that there are gaps in existing services for those who have attempted or contemplated suicide. One of the key drivers behind the work of SOS is the desire to harness individuals’ own strengths and provide them with the tools to improve their own mental wellness. Underlying SOS’s vision is the idea that “behind every statistic on suicide and self-harm, there is a person” (Suicide or Survive 2012) and that every person has the capability of living a full life regardless of the challenges they may face in their mental health throughout their lives. Suicide or Survive started at Caroline’s kitchen table born out of her own lived experience and that of people she came into contact with. The organisation has always remained true to its roots with the influence of the lived experience of people with their mental health and their human messiness in everything it does..
Registered Charity No: CHY 16442

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